This milestone demonstrates how the company and the IRSAP brand continue to be symbol of reliability and credibility in the heating and air conditioning industry.

23 September 2014

Today Irsap officially launched NOW the new and smart thermoregulation system on which we will talk about a lot in the coming days. Next...

30 July 2014

ā€‹IRSAP for over 50 years is being operating  in the civil and residential air conditioning field , creating heating and controlled mechanical...

16 July 2014

ā€‹Opening the windows to air the house is essential to ensure the recycling of air but not enough to solve the problems in terms of quality. The...

07 July 2014

Next events:These are the news we like: today, 7th of July at 6.00 p.m., Irsap will attend the Gala cermony in Essen, Germany, and will officially...

03 July 2014

ā€‹Happy 10th birday IRROM!Thanks to all our colleagues for their work and their daily commitment that allowed Irrom to become in 10 years a company...

26 June 2014

ā€‹Do you know what is the "sick building syndrome"?It is a disease  affecting  the people living in a building  characterized by a...